My slut of a servant wants to appreciate some of the pleasures I have to provide. So I tell him if he bakes an excellent jov of licking my footwear and legs I may compensate him. As I response some e-mails I tell him to start with my legs. We improvement, and I then want to see how excellent he with his experience in my ass. He must eliminate my denims anad flip them nicely. Then I tell him to kneel on the ground, and as I take a position over him he has to strongly put his experience in my wonderful ass. This is such a enhance to my slut, as he is permitted the benefit of the fragrance from my ass. As he’s been reasonably sensitive to my demands. You are going to allow him another cure. I’m going to allow him the posh of experiencing my crap. As I tell him to get that oral cavity of his extensive opan. I position my ass right into his experience and reduce my crap directly into his oral cavity. He must take it all. I won’t agree to any waste, as I sit and ensure that he completes all of it. When I know he’s completed, I tell him to stay where he is until I come back. However, just after making I recognize that i need a pee. What a wonderful way for my servant to clean down his previously pleasure. I tell him to prepared himself, and that I’m going to provide him a additional cure. He is going to appreciate consuming my pee. As I take a position over him I ensure that his oral cavity is start awesome and extensive. Its a excellent comfort as I immediate my urine into my whores oral cavity. What a fortunate slut he is to appreciate the taste of my ruby nectar. Within the compensate, I tell him he must ensure he absorbs up any pee from the ground…

Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 00:20:37
Video: MPEG-4 Visual, 1920×1080, 29.970 FPS, 7042 kb/s
Audio: AAC LC, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 152 kb/s
Size: 1.04 GB

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