Nicol Love – Wet Distraction

Brunette hottie Nicole Love returns to Wet and Pissy.
She gets to work. She is quickly distracted, takes out one of her tools and rubs it on the crotch of her hot pants.
She rubs it on the crotch of her hot pants. Nicole leans forward and suddenly begins to pee! Her shorts are soaked and the stream falls to the floor.
We zoom in on her damp, wet crotch. This naughty girl sits down and rubs her ass in the puddle of pee.
She sits on the couch and fingers her wet pussy. She squats down and shoots a forceful stream of dirty piss onto the floor toward the camera.
She shoots a stream of piss at the camera! Nicole strips naked and treats herself to a yellow textured vibrator.
While bent over in a doggy position, she plays with a yellow textured vibrator. Using a flowerpot, she urinates, drinks urine, and spits urine.
She drinks piss and spits. Once off, Nicole pisses on the floor one last time, sliding her golden juices all over.
Slides her golden juices playfully!

Format: mp4

Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:19:06
File Size: 1.15 GB

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